Dapto Public School Honour Roll


Dapto Public School Honour Roll is located at Dapto Primary School, Byamee Street, Dapto.

Those Listed: 

Honour Roll
Dapto Public School
Nurse M. Wakeford

H. Armstrong
O.H. Bailey
A.C. Bailey
E.L. Bailey  M.M.
R. Baly
M. Blackett
W. Beach
H.G. Beach
J. Bovard
W. Brown
A. Brown
E. Brown
H. Brown
V. Brown
J. Buchanan
E. Banfield
L. Banfield
A. Buckley
R. Bryan
C. Bingham
C. Chie
D. Chippendall
H. Chippendall
E. Clifford *
T. Clifford
M. Colbert
W. Colbert
W. Collins
W. Carney
H. Dillon
T. Dillon
R. Dare
E. Dare
A. Edwards
H. Evans
E. Evans
J. Fairley *
R. Fairley *
C. Gibbs
H. Gillen
P. Harvey
T. Harnan
T. Hordern
R. Holmes
J. Kevan
S. Lindsay
G. Lindsay
I. Lindsay
W.A. Lindsay
W. Little
E. Mark
C. Mark

F. Mant
J. Marshall
G. Murphy
J. Mulligan
E. McKinnon
W. Oyston
T. Oyston
G. Petersen
D. Parker
A. Polson
J. Stevens *
A. Stevens
R. Shelley
J. Shaw
W. Sherman
A. Sherman
A. Skeats
F. Stevenson
R. Stevenson
P. Tibbles
H. Tomkins
J. Reen


Illawarra Family History Group Inc. [compiled by] Illawarra Remembers: War Memorials of the Illawarra, Wollongong NSW: IFHG, 1995.