Kiama Memorial Arch and Honour Rolls


The Kiama Honour Rolls are on the Kiama Memorial Arch in Hindmarsh Park, Terralong Street, Kiama.


This memorial arch has been erected by the residents of Kiama to the glory of God and in grateful recognition of the sacrifices of those who from this district served in the Great War 1914 - 1918.

[Text on Memorial Arch]

Those Listed: 
Addison P.E.
Alexander S.
Alexander S.F.
Allison J.E. *
Anderson K.P. 
Anderson W.
Armfield L. *
Arnold J.P. *
Barr F.L. 
Bedford W.J. *
Bedford W.
Bennett F.W.
Blair G.
Boyce R. W.O.
Boniface G.
Brandon C.S.
Brown J.H.
Brown R.A.
Brown R.B.
Brundsell A.
Bullen F.W.
Bullen J. *
Bullock W.
Burke P. *
Burrows E.J.
Bylett T.J.
Calman R.M.
Cameron A.B.
Cameron W.N.
Canham G.
Carberry W.
Carthew J.E.
Chin H.J.
Clift F.
Colley R.A. *
Colley W.E.
Cooper J.T. *
Cornford C.
Coughlin M.J. *
Crisp H.W.
Dawes W.G.
Dixon J.
Downey W.
Downton E.
Downton N.J.
Drennan J.N.
Dyer J.D.
Dyer T.W.
East W.L. *
Edwards A.F.
Edwards H.H.
Edwards J.G.C.
Edwards L.H.
Ellarguy H. *
Ettinghausen H.V. *
Evans E.W. *
Evans H. *
Fadden J. *
Farquhauson F. *
Farquharson W. *
Fisher E.H. *
Foster W.E.
Francis M.
Fuller C.D.
Gadsby P.
Gallop A.H.
Galpin H.
Gentle C.C. *
Gibbs C.W.
Gibbs F.
Gluvas O.

Grace F.C. *
Grey H.
Grey W.V.
Griffin W.
Halliwell R.
Hammond G.
Hammond L. *
Hanrahan J. *
Hanrahan M.
Hartley W.
Hardy T.H.
Hasking F.S.
Hayes T.
Henderson A.
Henderson J.
Hetherington L.D.
Hewitson A.
Hinde A.
Hoare B.
Holloway C.V.
Howie C.
Howes A.T.
Hogg A.
Hudson O.
Huggart W. *
Hunt C.J.
Justin W.J. *
Kelly W.H.
Kelly W.J.
Kendall L.S. *
Keon H.
Keon J.P.
King A.C.
King H.
King J.M.McC.
Kingsbury A.W.
Kingsbury F.C.
Langlands A.
Leggett B.
Little R.
Longstaff R. *
Longstaff W. *
Love H.H.
Lucas E.J. *
Malcolm J.
Malzard E.P.
Mathews L.G. *
Matson K.
Maynard G.
Merrick P.R. *
Miller H.
McClintock A.B.
McClintock N.
McDonald R. *
McFarlane E.M.
McKinnon A.B.
McLeay A.R.
McLeary R.S.
Moore T.
Murray A.V.
Nelson R.J.
Nicholls E.A.
Nish W.McI.
O'Leary L.
Owen J.
Pattenden P. *
Payne C.
Perkins C.
Phillips W. *
Pike G.
Potoski L.R.
Preston H.
Prott H.
Rainbird A.
Ranyard W.J.
Rawlinson W.H.
Roberts E.E.
Robertson J.
Rowe F.
Schubert F.J.
Searle C.
Seader J.S. *
Seader W.J.
Seader W.K.
Shea J.
Simpson F.
Smith A.J.
Smith H.C.R.
Smith J.E.
Smith J.
Smith S.G.
Somerville S.H.
Stephens S.E.
Stewart E.
Sweet H.
Templeton R.
Thompson A.
Thomas R.J.
Thorpe D.C.
Tomkins F.
Townend C.H.
Walker R.R.
Walker R.W.
Walsh W.R.
Warner H.H.
Warner R. *
Warren H. *
Weir F.
Weir G.E. *
Welby W.
Whittingham D. *
Wilson H.
Winton A.S.
Wooster A. *
Wright R. *
Young S.C.
Beith B.M.
Beith J.R.M.
Fuller R.
Gallen K.
McAnene M.
Whittingham C.B.


Illawarra Family History Group Inc. [compiled by] Illawarra Remembers: War Memorials of the Illawarra, Wollongong NSW: IFHG, 1995.