Kiama Uniting Church Honour Roll


This Honour Roll is located in the Kiama Uniting Church, formerly the Methodist Church.


Honour Roll 1914 - 1919 Kiama Methodist Church

For God, Home & Empire

[Text on Honour Roll]

Those Listed: 

W. Farquharson
J.D. Dyer
A.W.A. Kingsbury
A.C. Woster
C. Cornford
R. Halliwell
F.S. Barr
G. Boniface
C. Johnson
J. Cooper
T.W. Dyer
S.H. Somerville
W.L. East
C.H. Townend
C. Marsden
E.J. Lucas
G.T. McCallum
W. Chapman
G. Canham
B. Hoare
F. Farquharson
E.A. V. Nicholls
L.D. Hetherington
S.U. Thomas
C.L. Knight
J.E. McKenzie
A. Rainbird
H. James

Illawarra Family History Group Inc. [compiled by] Illawarra Remembers: War Memorials of the Illawarra, Wollongong NSW: IFHG, 1995.