Leslie Summers Chandler
Leslie Chandler (Service No 7043) was born in Orange, N.S.W.
At enlistment in Bulli, N.S.W., Leslie was single, 23 years old, worked as a labourer and lived in Woonona, N.S.W. He had served 5 years with 37th infantry Militia.
He embarked from Sydney on HMAT A38 Ulysses with 18th Battalion, 21st Reinforcement on 19th December 1917. Leslie arrived in England on 13th February 1918 and joined 18th Battalion in France on 20th May 1918.
On 11th August 1918 he was admitted to hospital suffering from synovitis of his right knee. He was repatriated to Australia in December 1918 and discharged medically unfit on 7th March 1919.
In 1922 Leslie married Madge Doel in Canterbury, Sydney.
Leslie died in 1969. His service is commemorated at the Bulli-Woonona War Memorial.