Gerringong Roll of Honour


This image of the Gerringong Roll of Honour was found on a post card in Wollongong Reference Library. Its location is unkown.


Gerringong Roll of Honour
1914 European War 191_
Men who have answered their Country's call.

[Text on Roll of Honour]

Those Listed: 


Alexander E.
Ainsley G.
Averill C.E.G.
Brown G.
Bignell C.J.
Campbell D.G.
Campbell G.W.
Cooke G.H.
Chapman W.H.
Cook E.A. 
Cooke H.E.

Dooley J.S.
Donovan J.W.
Donovan G.H.
De Weske R.
Hoare F.C.
Hoare W.
Harding T.S.
Harding J.B.
Howard C.
Howes A.
Jordan J.
Kiley T.B.
Kelly D.J.
Kelly P.T.
Luxton F.
Lawrence C.
Miller H.G.
Mealing H.
McDonald L.C.
Miller G.M.
Miller S.G.W.
Mitchell R.
Murray C.
Murray A.C.
Murray D.
Murray H.
Moore E.
Moore T.M.
Moore N.
McClelland E.E.
Metham H.C.
O'Sullivan R.
O'Brien F.B.
Parrish B.
Parrish A.L.
Parrish T.L.
Rutledge A.J.
Rutledge W.H.
Reynolds J.
Sharpe W.J.
Strong W.
Taylor R.E.
Tuckwell L.
Walker V.J.N.
Wilson D.W.
Webb J.
Winter F.G.
Illawarra Family History Group Inc. [compiled by] Illawarra Remembers: War Memorials of the Illawarra, Wollongong NSW: IFHG, 1995.