This page contains profiles of service men and women from the Illawarra during World War I.
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Booth, Robert William
Robert William Booth (Service No 2991) was born in Jamberoo, N.S.W. He enlisted at Menangle Park, Sydney, N.S.W. when he was 22 years old. At this time Robert was working as a farmer, and...
Booth, William Wallace
William Wallace Booth was born in Kiama, NSW around 1893.At enlistment, William was single, 22 years of age, and was working as a shearer in Perth, WA. William nominated his father Robert who...
Bould, William
William Bould (Service No 4795) was born in Leek, England.He arrived in Australia sometime after 1911.At enlistment he was 19 years old, single, worked as a railway employee and...
Bourke, John Joseph
Private John Bourke (Service no. 6030) was born in Stanmore circa 1893. When he enlisted in the AIF his address was Mount Kembla Post Office and he was described as a 23 year old married driver....
Bovard, John Alexander
John Bovard was born in Albury, N.S.W. around 1883.At the time of John's 1st enlistment (Service No 1021) he was single, 29 years old, lived at Port Kembla, N.S.W. and...
Bowen, Bert
Bert Bowen (Service No 2152) was born in Staffordshire, England about 1893. He arrived in Australia in May 1914. At the time of enlistment he was a married 23 year old miner from Bellambi, NSW. His...
Bowie, Frank Richard
Frank Bowie (Service No 5977) was born in Wollongong, NSW in 1893. When he finished school he joined the Salvation Army. Frank was accepted for training by the Salvation Army on 16th July 1912 and...
Bowie, George
George Bowie (Service No 17) was born in Helensburgh, NSW about 1892. He was a single 22 year old labourer who listed his uncle Andrew Bowie of Cessnock as his next of kin. He embarked on HMAT A20...
Boxsell, Claude Oswald
Claude Boxsell (Service No 2617) was born in Berry, N.S.W. in 1895.Claude enlisted in Kiama, N.S.W. some months after his brother Thomas had enlisted. At enlistment, he was a single, 20 year old...
Boxsell, Thomas Theodore
Thomas Boxsell (Service No 4363) born in Berry, N.S.W. At enlistment he was single, 18 years of age, worked as a labourer in Port Kembla, N.S.W. and had served for 4 years with...
Boyd, William
William Boyd (Service No 2794) was born in Glasgow, Scotland around 1882. The family came to Australia and settled in Helensburgh, N.S.W.At enlistment William was single, 33 years old and...
Boyer, Ferdinand Owen
Ferdinand Boyer (Service No 5037) was born in Horsham, Victoria around 1896. At enlistment Ferdinand was single, 20 years old, worked as a painter and lived in Strathfield, Sydney; he had...
Boyle, Thomas Emilion
Thomas Boyle (Service No 5801) was born in Jamberoo, N.S.W. in 1891, and attended Jamberoo Public School.Thomas enlisted in Brisbane, Qld, at the age of 25 when he...
Boyle, Joseph William Luke
Joseph Boyle (Service No 829) was born in Dapto, NSW in 1896.At enlistment Joseph was single, 21 years old, worked as a clerk. lived in Goulburn, NSW and had served 5 years in the Cadets and Militia...
Bradbury, John Samuel
John Bradbury was born in Austinmer, N.S.W.In 1909 John had been in a motor vehicle accident and was unconscious for a week and subsequently suffered from headaches on a regular basis.At enlistment,...
Bradbury, Albert
Albert Bradbury (Service no 15367) was born in Austinmer, NSW in 1890.On 17 December 1913, Albert married Bridget Mary Evans at Randwick, NSW.At the time of enlistment Albert was married, 27 years of...
Braddock, John
John Braddock (Service No 6468) was born in Victoria. In 1904 he married Catherine Johnston. At the time of enlistment he claimed to be a married 44 year old miner from Scarborough. John had...
Bradford, Sydney George
Sydney George Bradford (Service No 4507), was born in Goulburn, N.S.W., in 1887.At enlistment, in Kiama, N.S.W., he was single, 29 years old, worked as a labourer and...
Bradford, Maud Rebecca
Maud Bradford was born in Queensland, one of 11 children.Maud was a nurse at the Coast Hospital, Randwick, N.S.W. for some time before she enlisted.When Maud enlisted in Perth, W.A. she was single...
Bradley, Edward
Private Edward Bradley (Service no. 9882) was born in Thirroul circa 1894 and at the time of enlistment was a single 22 year old miner. He embarked on HMAT A35 Berrima on 17th December, 1915 with the...
Bradley, Thomas
Private Thomas Bradley (Service no. 2579) was born in Helensburg circa 1895. He had spent time in the CMF and was a single 21 year old miner at the time of enlistment. He embarked on HMAT A14...
Bradley, William
William Bradley (Service No 4658) was born in Thirroul, NSW about 1892. At the time of enlistment he was a single 22 year old labourer from Coledale. He embarked on HMAT A40 Ceramic with 12th...
Bradshaw, Robert James
Robert Bradshaw (Service No 6284) was born in Sydney in 1895.At enlistment Robert was single, 21 years old, worked as a horse driver and lived at the Otford Railway Camp. He embarked from...
Brady, Fred Gladstone
Fred Brady (Service No 3920) was born in Singleton, N.S.W. around 1888.Fred was living in Wollongong, N.S.W. when he enlisted. He was single, 27 years old, and working as a ...
Brady, Joseph Michael
Joseph Michael Brady (Service No 6037), was born in Woonona, N.S.W.At enlistment he was single, 20 years old, worked as a farm hand and had served in the Senior Cadets.Joseph embarked on...
Braithwaite, Alexander Gordon
Alexander Gordon Braithwaite (Service No 2039) was born in Nowra, N.S.W., around 1891.At enlistment he was single, 25 years old and worked as a clerk. Alexander embarked on...
Braithwaite, Ishmael
Ishmael Braithwaite (Service No 7195), was born in Nowra, N.S.W., around 1889.At enlistment, he was 27 years old, married, worked as a painter, had served in the Senior...
Braithwaite, Henry James
Henry James Braithwaite (Service No 2338), was born in Nelligen, N.S.W.At enlistment he was 23 years old, single, worked as a driver and lived in Nowra, N.S.W. Henry had enlisted earlier,...
Braithwaite, Alfred Ishmael
Alfred Ishmael Braithwaite (Service No 5049), was 19 years old, single, worked as a printer, lived in Nowra, N.S.W. and had 2 years service in the Militia, when he joined the Waratah...
Braithwaite, John Joseph
John Joseph Braithwaite (Service No 5050) was born in Nowra, N.S.W.At enlistment he was 21 years old, single and worked as a printer for the Nowra Leader. John joined his brother Alfred...